had my first arguement with the boyfi last night. it really terrified me to see how much i had upset him. i didn't mean it, honestly i didn't. he is an incredible human being. believe me, i realise how lucky i am to have him. it's just that i've never really had anyone that cares about what i do. i guess i'm sort of just used to doing what i want & no one really giving a shit. i just suppose that i didn't think through what he might think about it. i was shit but he admitted that he was a bit shit about it too... i just don't like thinking about hurting him because he is the last person who deserves that. i think i'm just a bit dumb. i just presume that people don't like me as much as i like them. it's ok now though, we kissed & made up.
and i promise to think from now on.
thank goodness for people like fearn who make me feel better.
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