Thursday, October 18, 2012

i don't know

feelings of uncertainty and fear and panic
maybe i just don't like you enough

but when i kiss you something sparks within me
and i cannot imagine our lips a part

is it because of him? or just because of me?
i'm not used to this, you're don't hold back

you make me smile and you hold my hand
it's all so different to everything before

hold your breath and take the plunge

don't think just do.

Monday, October 1, 2012

uni assignment

It shines through the thick curtains
Bright yellow rays that say it is time
Time to face me, embrace me
It is today, no longer can you hide
In the dark comfort of night’s blanket
Surrounding you and hiding you from
The things that terrify you, threaten you

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Alarm, reminding you it’s time
Get up. Go. Move.
Snooze. Silence and light that filters through the dust
It moves but there is no wind
Eyes tear holes in the ceiling
Imagine if you hadn’t woken up
Who would cry, who would notice
Would they bury you or burn you?
Silence underground, cold and dark
Listening to the earth’s heartbeat
As it slowly takes hold, dragging you
Into it’s body, opening it’s ribcage
To welcome and consume you
Or to fire, to fire, into ash
Tiny parts that fly across the planet
Or settle in that special place the mourners picked
Until the wind picks up
Moves you along, takes you to water
Where you dissolve and melt

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Again. Get up. Snooze.
You let him put his hands on you
Grabbing  fierce under the street light
The world was cold but he was so warm
The light was yellow and he looked so beautiful
Taste of flesh and lust and want
Softly whispered lies between kisses
Stop. Remembering. Change, force your mind to change
Books you haven’t read and words you haven’t written
You head in his hands, your heart in his palm
The monologue you must memorise, repeat it now
Softly biting his lower lip, he moans
“Fetch me my robe, bring me my crown”
Your fingers in his hair, his hands on your hips
“I have immortal longings in me”
Sit up. Rub eyes, shake head, halfway there.

Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

Again. You’re up.
Feet touch the floor, solid ground