Monday, March 22, 2010

FTF does La Roux...

thursday night - went to see bare with the uni kids.
terrified that they'd hate it.
once that chick's top came off they were actually pretty interested.
was once again amazing by their general loveliness.

bridie's for a quick drink.
heard stories of india.
want to goooooooo.

"i actually find vomit really fascinating"
weirdest thing ever uttered.

zackattack drove me to seven, despite his total lack of knowledge of melbourne.
how sweet.

paid $18 to get into seven.
searched for frenchie.
waited for a toilet.
17 mins later a guy & a girl walk out.
note to self: sex in club toilets make you seem like a WHORE.

continued search.
spent a good 24mins searching.
bumped into his ex aka my #3 hater.
bumped into awkskid. it was awkward.

finally found frenchie.
stayed for about 30mins.
then went home.
i hate that i wasted $18.

"so we're all catching a cab home together yeah? and we'll SPLIT it yeah?"

short came over.
cooked him lunch.
me = 50's housewife.

left the house.
bought an awesome bag & awesome shirt from the op shop.
bumped into frenchie.
caught the train with him.

got to caufeild.
realised i left the LA ROUX tickets at home.
freaked the fuck out.
got off the train, called mama, papa & sister.
no help.

got the train back.
walked home.
grabbed the tickets.
marched back.
caught train to YABC.

so annoying.

went to LA ROUX.
tried to get into the standing area.
slight fail.
snuggle lost her wallet (N)
felt partially responsible.

minus the fact she only played for 45mins.
still, tigerlily, in for the kill, fascination & bulletproof = wow.

back to the ferns.
love discussions.
flexibilty discussions.
general laughs.
all in the best bed in the world.

work. not so nice.

shiobans that night.
minor dress freak out.
all was fixed.

met the fam (+ & - a few) at the station.
train & taxi.

"hey mr taxi driver man, what's your name?"
"cliff, jump off sometime"

free slushies = win.
not enough food = loss.
several drunken d&ms = win
bonding with doctor = mega win.
reminding snuggle = win.

hung out with BT.
so much love.
sat around singing le mis.

short drove us home.
this happens too often.

back to best's.
pro sick call to work.

gangsta basically died.

3 hour sleep.
sneaky shower.
off to work for the CPCA.

massive headache x screamiung children x awkward collegues x no sleep = death.

could not pronouce anyone's name.
biggest fail EVER.

freaked out that i hadn't done enough uni work.
wrote journal entries/journal essays.


still, it's just a little crush.
don't get your hopes up.
don't be too keen.
don't be obvious.

"home is wherever you are..."

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